
Long or Short Wedding Ceremony

Depending on the church, many couples have the choice of a short wedding ceremony or a long one. The short ceremony includes the bride walking up the aisle, the couple saying their vows and walking back down the aisle as a married couple. Wedding ceremonies differ, and some of them also offer a voluntary blessing of the marriage. The bride and groom are expected to kneel during this part of the ceremony, and many may choose to forego it.

A longer church ceremony does include a Mass, and this is said before the wedding ritual takes place. It is a full Mass, and it lasts about an hour. The attendees do not have to be members of the church, but they must respect the ritual. During the religious ceremony, the bride and groom may be in the front pews, or they might be allowed to sit on or near the altar.

Whether the wedding format is short or long, the presence of an experience wedding photographer is always required to create memories of the special event.